
What is Women’s Ministries?

It is more than you think.

Our goals are to bring women into the knowledge of Jesus Christ, encourage their full potential in influencing family, friends and community, equipping them for growth in personal understanding and in life skills, and to address issues that affect women and their families in their world.

Our ultimate goal is to win women and their families for Christ. We encourage spiritual growth, provide Christian fellowship, promote a purposeful Christian life and minister to the needs of women.

Young Women’s Collective

Aimed towards women ages 18–30. YWC brings young women together weekly to encourage mutual development through discussions, engagement in meaningful activities, and community reach. Monthly video content, Bible references, and thought-provoking subject matter will drive topics critical to YWC’s generation, and applicable to their life experiences, under the guidance of mentors. 

Latest Resources

Joy with Others

Joy with Others – you will learn about the country of Kenya and how the women in Kenya make products for Others Trade for Hope.


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