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National Programs
We provide programming for worship, education, fellowship and service opportunities, as well as creative outreach and focus group ideas that meet needs of local women. We provide materials on evangelism and discipleship of women, as well as Christian formation and life issues. Almost all the materials are written by our women who wish to share their passion and skills with other women.

RightNow Media
Women’s Bible Studies are available at
To support your growth in faith, we want to share a valuable gift with you—a subscription to the RightNow Media Christian video streaming service. You will find a wealth of material for your family, small group, congregation, entertainment, and personal edification.
All officers in the USA Eastern Territory receive a free subscription of RightNow Media. You can invite corps members, employees, SA volunteers, board members, and friends of the Army. Then, they can also receive free subscription and access all Bible studies at the website.