2019 Bible Studies

“But our citizenship is in heaven…” Philippians 3:20

Commissioner Rosalie Peddle (World Secretary for Women’s Ministries) has recently distributed the 2019 Bible Studies. These studies will inspire and challenge women around the world as they continue on their spiritual journey toward heaven. In the letter which accompanies the Bible Studies, Commissioner Peddle writes:

“We need to remind each other that this world is not our home. We are ‘On The Way To Heaven’. These are excellent words for our 2019 International Women’s Ministries theme. This theme will help us look at how our heavenly citizenship influences the way that we live here on earth. Heaven is for real and we need to focus our eyes and hearts on Jesus.”

These Bible studies will challenge us by giving insight into God’s Word, and a heavenly focus will change the way we live on earth.  Take another step towards fixing your eyes on heaven by clicking on the links below!